Tuesday 1 January 2019

Super Blood Moon

Super Blood Moon 
Jan 20-21,2019
The moon will be at its closest point to Earth in its orbit, lighting up the night sky as a striking Supermoon.
The eclipse will then give the moon a red glow, creating a phenomenon known as the Blood Moon.
January's full moon has been known as a Wolf Moon for thousands of years. Ancient civilisations tracked the changing seasons by the lunar months rather than the solar calendar, naming the months after features they associated with the northern hemisphere seasons including howling wolves. These names are now used to identify the full moons.
Astronomers say the Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse will last around three and a half hours, and a full lunar eclipse will not be seen again until May 2021.
2019 is set to be an exciting astronomical year. Five eclipses, a stunning meteor shower, a rare planet transit and a blue moon will all feature.

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