This rare event will not be visible from across most parts of Asia, including India, though it can be viewed from across the America as well as parts of western Europe and Africa. What makes this event special is that a total lunar eclipse will not take place until May 26, 2021, which is a long wait.
Super Blood Wolf Moon: What is it?
Super Blood Moon happens during a total lunar eclipse when the Earth passes in between the Sun and the Moon, blocking the Sun’s light from falling directly on the Moon. However, the little light that manages to pass from the edges of the Earth’s atmosphere lit up the Moon’s surface and makes it look red.
During a total lunar eclipse, the Sun, Earth and the Moon are perfectly lined up. Also, a lunar eclipse only takes place when there is a full Moon.
The Moon appears larger and brighter during a Super Moon given it is closer than usual to the Earth. Wolf Moon is the name given by native Americans to a full moon that appears in the middle of winter.
Super Blood Wolf Moon: Can you watch this in India?
The total lunar eclipse will start 11:41 pm ET on January 20, which is around 10:11 am on January 21 in India. This phenomenon will last for 62 minutes and will not be visible in India, according to a National Geographic report. People in eastern Africa and eastern Europe will only get to see partial lunar eclipse.
The entire event, which includes total as well as partial lunar eclipse will reportedly last for three and a half hours. It can be viewed from the Americas, Greenland, Iceland, western Europe, and western Africa.
Super Blood Wolf Moon: How to watch
Though the Super Blood Wolf Moon will not be visible in India, it should be noted that one does not need special equipment to view the phenomenon. Unlike solar eclipses, a lunar eclipses can be viewed with the naked eye. For those who wish to watch this in India, they will have to rely on livestreams online.
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